General Description of Curricula

The most unique characteristic of NORTH KERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL is that Biblical truths permeate the entire program. Christian teachers using Abeka and ACSI Purposeful Design curriculum, model scriptural truth and principles throughout all subject matter. Besides the Abeka and ACSI curriculum, the Jr. High classes use Bob Jones Press curriculum for Math.

Abeka Book: Kindergarten - 8th Grade

Abeka curriculum is designed and developed by Christian educators. Providing Christian resources since 1972, Abeka's purpose is to provide God-honoring textbooks and teaching aids. The curricula are written on the premise that all truth comes from God and that any teaching of man that is contrary to the clear teaching of the Word of God must be rejected and refuted. Christian character training is built into the presentation of each subject area. The Abeka program is based upon the traditional classroom approach. The scope and sequence are expertly worked out so that every year the students progress at the rate that will prepare them for the next year.

Bob Jones University Press - Jr. High Math & Algebra

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP) materials are pervasively Biblical. BJUP has approached each subject from a thoroughly Biblical perspective that is logical, natural, unforced, and not simply tacked on. Not satisfied with simple memorization or recitation, math programs help the students understand why numbers relate as they do, and thus why operations work. The 7th & 8th grade curriculum covers fundamentals of math and pre-algebra. Algebra is offered for those 8th grade students that are prepared and have teacher and parent recommendations.


Purposeful Design points to a careful and deliberate approach to creating instructional materials. Their first commitment is to prepare materials of the highest quality in order to further the distinctive mission of Christian education. Second, the design of the curricula reflects the intentional and thoughtful approach taken in every textbook. Purposeful Design also speaks of a purposeful designer. Not only did God create the universe, but He is at work today sustaining His handiwork. He is also actively present in the creative enterprises of teaching and learning. Thus, this curriculum points to an education that invites the person of Jesus Christ to be an integral part of the learning process.